Photographic Specialty Week
July 17-21, 2005
Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, Nevada
I know I have mentioned it before, but June 17 is the early registration deadline for Photographic Specialty Week. That's only 2 weeks away folks! For only $125 (in honor of PPA's 125th Anniversary-Lenny has also lined up 125 prizes to be given away during the week as part of the celebration!) you will have access to 6 specialty conferences and 5 business modules and the 3 day tradeshow Expo. Stay all week and attend the sessions you want to see. Digital, Home Studio, Wedding, Portrait Sports and Studio Basics--there is a conference to suit your needs, and you just can't beat this price.
Register by June 17 for only $125 if you stay with us at the Las Vegas Hilton and reserve your room through PPA. After the deadline, the price goes up to $449 per conference or $449 for the business module series. If you are planning on attending, register now.
Call 800.786.6277 from 9am to 6pm EST to register by phone or visit